sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

Last Wednesday we were learning how to talk about character. We studied adjectives to describe personality: hard working and lazy, kind and unkind, generous and mean/stingy, shy and outgoing, talkative and quiet, smart / clever (same thing: USA/UK), funny and serious.

When somebody asks: What's your best friend like? You may reply: He is tall and strong, if you want to describe his physical appearance and/or He is talkative and funny, when you want to tell us about his personality.

We listened to 6 short conversations and had to choose the right adjective for each one of them. There was one, for instance, in which two people were talking about a friend who was always giving them things or making presents: students had to choose the word generous.

Some students were unable to log on the blog last week, I hope this time you are luckier.


1/ Say what adjective you call a person who:

a/ Likes to say and do silly things and makes you laugh.

b/ Never does any work.

c/ Doesn't like to give things. 

d/ Always helps you when you need it.


Knows a lot about everything.  Clever/Smart

2/ Choose 5 of the adjectives above and give an example of somebody - friend or family - who is that way and explain why you think they are clever or lazy or funny.  Example:

Hard working: My friend Shelby is very hard working. She never goes out on the weekend, she stays at home doing homework and studying. 

Use the Present Simple to say what that person does or is: never goes out, stays, talks all the time, doesn't talk to anybody, never does any work.

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